Practice, practice, practice!

I'm currently making a blog web app to practice React js. I learned how to use Hooks, React Router, event handlers, and use Axios in my boot camp, but, never all in one project. They were split up into small individual projects where "the design is provided for you, you just need to add the react Hooks." or, "Here's an API to practice your CRUD skills".

This blog web app has all the things that I learned, all together, so I can actually see what it's like to build a site from start to finish. I love seeing how it all works together. Plus, there are things that weren't gone over, like for example, front-end management tools, such as Context or Redux. So that is new to me and I'm constantly googling about it.

As I'm going through this project, there is so much that I learned that I had forgotten about already! So, when someone says that you need to keep doing it and don't stop, they are NOT kidding. After I finish this current project, I'm definitely moving on to a new one for practice. If I'm satisfied with my apps, heck yeah I'm going to deploy them for the practice of that too!

Although I struggle big time with this, it has not diminished my drive to keep learning. I know that if I keep at it and keep doing it every day, I WILL get it.