Attempts at making my first API

On Tuseday, AWS had an outage for a while. A long while. And that affected my database creation. So, this morning I log on and it finished! YAY! Now, I need to test out my CRUD skills.

I use Postman to test out my routes. I'm not very very good at this, I always have issues of some kind. This time, it was more typos in the JSON when making POST requests. It took me longer than I like to admit to finding that I forgot a comma. Those sneaky commas.

Then, I found that I couldn't add more than one user (database of users) to the table. Grrr... I happen to have an awesome brother-in-law that has been in field for a long time help me figure out that I had fixed a typo in my app, but not the table. It was easier to termiate the database (only one user in it at the time) and start over. Plus, that is giving my more practice is MongoDB. I'm familiar with PostgreSQL, and this was a good opportunity to learn something else.

Now, everytime works! I'm able to continue on with my API. Small victories, that's what it is about for me.